Optimising polypectomy in the colon in the era of AI: Hot, cold and lukewarmTHIS WEBINAR HAS NOW ENDED
THURSDAY, 6th May 2021 at 8:00pm – 9:30 pm AEST
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Optimising polypectomy in the colon in the era of AI: Hot, cold and lukewarm
Invited Speaker
Professor Cesare Hassan
Professor Cesare Hassan is a clinical gastroenterologist with special interest in new technologies applied to CRC screening. In this field, he has participated in several international and national trials, including several FDA registration trials, on detection and characterization of colorectal polyps as Principal Investigator or co-investigator.
As chair of the Guideline Committee of ESGE, he has published several guidelines in all the main endoscopic field, including precancerous lesions in upper- and lower-GI. As expert in economic analysis and economic models, he has assessed the benefits and costs of new technologies, such as Resect and Discard, Propofol-sedation, CT colonography, colon capsule, and Artificial Intelligence for polyp detection and characterization.